16 February 2019

From new to old, and back again: exploring East and Southeast Asia, 2017–18

Over two separate trips in the summers of 2017 and 2018 I travelled to China, Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Vietnam, South Korea, Hong Kong and Singapore. This is my story: what I learned, told through the photos I brought back with me.

24 September 2018

Particle filters for limit order books: my Cambridge Master's thesis

My final-year Master's project, for my degree in Information and Computer Engineering at Cambridge University, focused on discovering new and improved sequential Monte Carlo filters for use in high-frequency trading.

25 September 2017

An introduction to NLP classificiation techniques in Python for the 2017 NIPS competition track

I demonstrate some basic techniques for machine learning and data analysis with NLP, with the theory behind them, in the context of the MSKCC's competition on extracting the class of genetic mutation from clinical text data.

16 July 2017

Cracking the Restaurant Industry

A team of me, Thilo Weigert and Marc Giraud took on the task of predicting restaurant success using data analysis for our final project in my MIT Sloan class on Business Analytics (15.071).

7 November 2015

The 2015 ARM mbed Hackathon

The task was to create a wearable device using the ARM mbed Internet of Things software platform and a Bluetooth Low Energy development chip in 24 hours. Our result: the Slouch-o-meter.